Each month, we explore the top trending topics in the HR and recruitment space. June is Employee Wellness Month, so many of the trending discussions have a wellbeing lens. HR is talking about how to effectively support employees.
Other HR professionals and experts are talking about using ‘work design’ to better manage employees’ workloads and stressors to protect psychosocial wellbeing. Another discussion being had is about.
There have also been developments in the ways artificial intelligence (AI) will be regulated in the future to enhance privacy and security, which employers will need to adapt to in order to continue to harness AI systems. Keep reading to learn more about the five trending topics in the HR and talent acquisition.
Other HR professionals and experts are talking about using ‘work design’ to better manage employees’ workloads and stressors.

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- Turning off the lights when no one is in a room is a great
- Swapping out harmful chemicals for non-toxic products can go.
- Initiatives that encourage ‘green’ behaviour such.
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Final Conclusion
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